09/15/09: Dan Carmody was the featured speaker at the Western Michigan TMA September monthly meeting. Dan presented a new presentation titled, “Symptoms of a Troubled Treasury Department.”
05/21/09: Dan Carmody gave two presentations at the 2009 TMAC Windy City Summit. The first presentation was titled “Strategic Bank Relationship Management: How a Bank’s Product Strategy May Enhance Treasury Operations.” The second session is a round-table discussion titled, “Treasury’s Critical Role During Economic Distress”
05/13/09: Dan Carmody gave a lecture at the DePaul University College of Business titled, “An Introduction to Treasury Workstations.”
05/06/09: Dan Carmody was the featured speaker at the Colorado Treasury Management Association’s Annual Rocky Mountain Summit conference. Dan presented a new presentation titled, “Successful Networking for Treasury Professionals” and led a networking exercise in the main exhibit hall.
01/14/09: Dan Carmody was the featured speaker at the Central Pennsylvania TMA and Pittsburgh AFP joint treasury webinar. Dan presented a new presentation titled, “Symptoms of a Troubled Treasury Department.”
01/13/09: Dan Carmody was the featured speaker at the Wisconsin Treasury Management Association’s January meeting. Dan presented a new presentation titled, “Symptoms of a Troubled Treasury Department.