Treasury management sales officers might be interested in discovering which services have not yet been extensively implemented. Services like Electronic Bank Account Maintenance (eBAM), SWIFT for Corporates, Outsourced Account Reconciliation, Mobile Banking, Payroll Cards and Bank-provide Treasury Management Systems represent treasury management sales opportunities. Less than 40% of the treasury survey respondents indicated that they utilize these services. There a lot of upside potential here...
The lack of treasury management product utilization represented on the top of the chart is most like due to three reasons: 1.) There is no business case to implement said treasury services / products, 2.) The treasury services / products are too expensive, or 3.) The treasury practitioners are not aware that such services and products available. Reason #1 can not be influenced by the treasury management sales officer. On the other hand, Reasons #2 & #3 can be addressed by a treasury management sales team.
What is your financial institution doing to ensure that your clients are aware of new treasury services and products that are available to them? Do you agree or disagree with this data? Please feel free to use the comments to post your thoughts or questions.
Relevant TreaSolution Services:
Treasury Benchmarking Reports
Treasury Intelligence Reports(FI's)
Client Services Optimization (FI's)
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